Saturday, August 17, 2013

Humble beginnings for a story.
There was something about this project I couldn't let go, a story I always felt was there within these pages that wasn't being told, and after everyone walked away from it, I held on, for whatever the reason I didn't want to walk away.
Mars itself has always perked my curiosity, especially when you put it into terms of being the only planet within our solar system we have a real chance of colonizing. It's kind of like when you realize where the planet is in conjunction with the sun when its summertime, or when you look up into the nighttime sky to see the backbone of night, to realize what the orbital positioning of the solar system really is within the galaxy.
Not everything is as it seems. Granted the first issue was clunky the way most first issues are in trying to find themselves. I think from my perspective the hope was there were going to be other issues produced, time to work the story out, time for character development. It didn't sit well with me that those things didn't materialize. It was as if we marooned those characters within those pages.
Writing this novel helped me satiate these desires.
I still have a passion for the story of Red Planet Pioneer.
I still have some copies left, about a hundred and fifty copies.
I will gladly give an autographed first edition of this comic book to the first 150 people who buy the ebook.
I will figure out a way to confirm the purchase and mailing of this, so please stay tuned . . .

A preview of the novel can be found here at Smashwords:

I know the CEO of the Red Planet Pioneer Corporation personally, and can say without question Xavier Pentagrass would be very pleased to make your acquaintance . . .

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